Primary Care of Orange City
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Orange City, FL 32763
Primary and Urgent Care for all ages

Primary Health Care Provider - Orange City, FL

Call Us To Request an Appointment

Let Primary Care of Orange City be your Primary Health Care Provider! At Primary Care of Orange City we believe all people should have access to healthcare regardless of income, race or citizenship. We accept many insurances or cash pay. We understand the high cost of healthcare and the lack of healthcare insurance prohibits many people from getting the health care treatment they need, so if you do not have insurance we are offering a more cost-effective option which we call our medical assurance plan. With our medical assurance plan we can assure that you have access to healthcare for wellness and chronic conditions, and some urgent situations, at an affordable price. We would also like to partner with small or large businesses to help provide health care access for your employees to help keep everyone healthy. Call 386-241-0274 for more information or email us at

Primary HealthCare for All Ages

Primary Care of Orange City is a family medical practice that can provide the regular or preventive care medical services to one member or all members of your family including the CDC recommended vaccinations for children. We provide medical care for most chronic illnesses such as diabetes, COPD, Heart Failure, Hypertension, and Hyperlipidemia among others. We will also handle some urgent situations such as respiratory infections, urine infections, CHF and COPD exacerbations, and medication refills to name a few. Our providers are also trained for suboxone therapy to treat opioid addiction. In some cases, referrals may be provided for some needed treatment. For more information about medical services contact us at 386-241-0274 or email us at